We want to help parents and carers, like you, to make a difference.
We want to make a difference through our aim of meeting the needs of children and young people at home, in education, and in the community. We particularly value your opinions, as we feel parents and carers have a unique perspective on how we can best support children and young people everywhere.
At HSR we look to working with you if you have a shared vision and are looking to make a positive contribution to the lives of children and young people in society. We hope to collaborate with parents and carers who have a firm idea in mind of how they wish to achieve their goal, that we could help to support and grow using our expertise.
We would be looking to work with parents and carers in a collaboration that would have a positive social impact, making sure children and young people have a happy and safe place. We would take a holistic approach, working with multiple services to facilitate joined-up working and hope to create something new that would serve to inform, help or support parents, carers and their children.
A collaboration with HSR would propose lots of mutual benefits for both us and any parents or carers who choose to collaborate with us. For example:
We believe to be truly child-centred we should be responsive to the needs of individuals. This is also true when it comes to collaboration. You may have an idea which together with our input, could seek to improve how we work with parents and carers to positively impact their child's ability to feel happy, safe and ready for life's challenges.
We pride ourselves on our holistic approach through encouraging positive change in homes, communities and throughout education. We would take the same approach to collaboration, ensuring there is effective communication of ideas between all parties.
We believe in providing a supportive environment through a consistent, reliable and responsive service. Our team will work really hard to make sure your needs are met and are listened to, to maximise the potential of our collaboration.
Get in touch with an idea or if you would like to see what else we offer for parents and carers see our services.
Ready to get started? The next step is to speak to our team to find out more about the services we provide and how we can help. Call us on 0161 820 9229 or email office@hsrpsychology.co.uk