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Starting my placement year at HSR Psychology

Lucy Oakes

Before my placement year

I am a third year student from the University of Manchester studying Psychology and I have just started my placement year at HSR Psychology. I have experience working with those with a wide range of mental health difficulties which I gained from co-facilitating a mental health recovery group. My role involved enhancing the lives of service users and increasing their life satisfaction and wellbeing. I assisted in delivering workshops in Compassionate Focussed Therapy and strategies to combat loneliness for example. In my second year at university, I volunteered as a Peer Mentor for first year university students which involved delivering guidance to students in order for them to progress both academically and socially. I also assisted in running sessions which delivered support to students regarding exams and coursework. In addition I have worked alongside primary school aged children whom have additional special educational needs. Whilst working closely with the Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator, I led sessions with small groups of children in order to support their transition to secondary school.

Why psychology?

Studying psychology allows the opportunity to learn concepts which can be applied to all levels of human behaviour. Every aspect of the course relates to ways in which theory can be applied to help others. During my degree I conducted research into the wellbeing of young adults and this developed my interest in mental health further. After completing modules in developmental psychology, learning about children’s milestones and specific special education needs, I was inspired to learn more about how to help those with educational and mental health needs.

University of Manchester building
Studying psychology at the University of Manchester

And more specifically, why HSR?

I chose to do a placement year as I am interested in applying what I have learnt during my degree to real scenarios and cases. More specifically, I am passionate about being in a role which will benefit and support others. Having worked with children in schools before, I am interested in learning more about the additional needs they face, whether that be in mental health or education.

I am keen to learn about the processes involved in delivering interventions to those with additional needs. I am looking forward to working alongside and learning from professionals, as well as learning about the pathway from assessment to therapy. I hope to be able to contribute positive changes to the lives of children and young people, as well as providing support to their parents and carers.

I am passionate about being in a role which will benefit and support others

Next steps...

Ready to get started? The next step is to speak to our team to find out more about the services we provide and how we can help. Call us on 0161 820 9229 or email

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About the author

Lucy Oakes

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