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Contact us

If you require our services, or simply want to find out more then there are a number of ways to get in touch.


Phone: 0161 820 9229

To arrange a free telephone consultation with a member of our admin team please click here.

Make a referral

To make a referral and arrange an initial discussion please complete our referral form.

Make a referral

How to find us

Our head office is located at HSR Psychology, Water's Edge, 2 Hagley Road, Salford, M5 3EY

HSR Psychology, 3-5 St John Street, Manchester, M3 4DN



If you would like access to our specialist psychology services please complete a referral form. We want the referral process to be quick and simple, it is important to gather the information needed for a full understanding of the situation and to identify what you are hoping for from our involvement to make our time with you more effective.

Who we work with...

hsr for

Children and young people

hsr for

Parents & Carers

hsr for

Early years settings

hsr for


hsr for

Post-16 education

hsr for

Health professionals

hsr for


hsr for

Education professionals

hsr for

Local Authority

hsr for

Parent partnership

hsr for


hsr for

Adoptive families

We're registered...