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Exam preparation interventions

Our exam preparation interventions at HSR Psychology support relaxation, concentration and motivation in regards to upcoming exams or tests. Exam preparation interventions are particularly useful for individuals who have high levels of anxiety. At HSR Psychology, both our assistant psychologists and our qualified psychologists can provide exam preparation interventions.

Who is suitable for exam preparation interventions?

Any child or young person of age of 25 or under may be suitable for exam preparation interventions support for both written and practical exams.

Exam preparation interventions can be suitable for individuals who: 

To find out how exam preparation interventions can have benefits for yourself or someone in your life then please do contact us for more information.

What are the benefits of exam preparation interventions?

Exam preparation interventions can benefit the individuals life, by allowing them to:

Followingexam preparation interventions we will provide several recommendations that will allow you to support the child or young person. The provided recommendations are beneficial for ensuring that individuals feel confident in their ability to take their exams.

What happens prior to exam preparation interventions?

Exam preparation interventions can be carried out once we have had an initial discussion, please read about the process we follow below.

Our process

At HSR Psychology we ensure that we meet the needs of children and young people. To achieve this we ensure that any specific assessments, intervention, or direct work, is only carried out following an initial discussion.

An initial discussion allows us to understand the background and your expectations of our involvement. Having an initial discussion ensures any services we provide appropriately identify or address needs.

Our process for any specific assessments, intervention, or direct work is as follows:

Step 1: Contact us

We will usually be contacted by the child or young person, parent or carer, or another professional (eg education or health).

You can contact us or complete a referral

Step 2: Arrange an initial discussion

An initial discussion allows us to understand the background and your expectations of our involvement. Arrange an initial discussion

Step 3: Review our recommendations

Following an initial discussion we will send you an email that includes:

  • Next steps recommendations - to provide a bespoke package of support. For example:
    • Assessments
    • Reports
    • Information gathering
    • Meeting
    • Interventions
    • Consultancy
    • Reviews
  • Costing - we will provide costings for any services recommended.

Step 4: Let's get started

On receipt of the next steps recommendations and costing you can decide how to proceed. Once you have decided contact us to arrange the chosen services.

What happens during exam preparation interventions?

Exam preparation interventions can be provided on an individual basis or within a group. During an exam preparation intervention, the individual will learn about the different physical and behavioural reactions that people have towards exams, for example avoidance and anxiety. Essentially, the young person will be equipped with relaxation strategies to use if they begin to have anxieties before, during or after exams. The individual will also be taught planning and time management skills. Additionally, the individual will discover different types of revision techniques and how to use a variety of them in order to find the one that best suits them.

What happens after exam preparation interventions?

After an exam preparation intervention the young person will be equipped with a range of relaxation and revision techniques to help them feel prepared for their exams. Following an initial exam preparation intervention, more sessions can be provided for any future exams if needed. Outcomes from an exam preparation intervention can either be given verbally or through a written report. You will be supported throughout the intervention process.

Do exam preparation interventions come with a report?

Exam preparation interventions can be used in advance of many types of exam. Therefore a report may be requested for different reasons. We always recommend a report once an intervention has finished, which will include what happened, the impact of what happened and recommendations to help you in the future. Read more about our reports.

HSR values: Child-centred

How exam preparation interventions helped secondary school students

Exam stress was causing a number of students to experience anxiety and other emotions. We set up an exam preparation intervention to provide anxiety management, psychoeducation and revision strategies. Find out how we helped.

HSR Psychology was based in a secondary school and sixth-form, when we noticed that many students in the age group of 15-18 were experiencing anxiety and dealing with difficult feelings such as anger. After speaking with the students, it became apparent that the underlying difficulties were caused by exam stress. To help these students we set up Exam Stress Groups, where they could receive support individually and also help to support each other. 

Our process included two hour-long sessions over a three week period. During the first session, the students received a handout that contained information about how they can look after themselves better, both physically and mentally, using relaxation techniques. Students were also given exam revision techniques to help them feel more prepared for exams. We provided some psychoeducation work, including theories such as the ‘Fight, Flight, Freeze’ responses and Maslow’s pyramid of needs. Our intention was to teach the students about how the brain works and develops so they could better understand their own. Increased self-awareness and understanding allows them to recognise and learn why relaxation and self-care are useful. 

The students were given a one week break between the two sessions. During this period, we asked the students to think of the ways that they revise and how they approach stressful situations. We also asked the students to try out different strategies (1 or 2) from the handout we gave them in the first session. 

The second session focused on reflection and involved working in groups of 5. The students were given a table format in which they could indicate what type of strategies they tried and which they found the most effective and why. Reflection can help students to become more conscious about the way they organise themselves in high pressured situations like exam preparation. 

By the end of our involvement, students reported that they felt more confident regarding revision and calmer because there was a plan in place. Teachers also reported that some of the students who faced difficulties previously did seem calmer and showed less difficulty facing emotions like anger caused by underlying exam stress.

Arrange an initial discussion

Arrange an initial discussion to find out how we can benefit your education setting. The initial discussion lasts 2 hours and is a starting point to identify needs. The cost is £260.

  • No waiting lists
  • Experienced psychologists
  • Includes recommendation summary

Find out more



Next steps...

Ready to get started? The next step is to speak to our team to find out more about the services we provide and how we can help. Call us on 0161 820 9229 or email

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