A sensory intervention may be beneficial for individuals upto the age of 25 who:
If you believe that sensory intervention could be appropriate for some you know. Please contact us to speak to a member of our team.
A sensory interventioncan bring many benefits for the young person, including:
Recommendations for supporting the young person will be provided to you following a sensory intervention so their sensory needs can be recognised and managed, helping the young person to be happy, safe and ready for life’s challenges.
Following the initial discussion, sensory interventions can then be carried out. See below for an outline of how our process works.
A sensory intervention can involve a number of different parts including the use of sensory integration therapy. The HSR Psychology professional may work with an occupational therapist to design the best intervention suited to the individual’s needs. In a sensory intervention, the HSR professional will usually work with the child or young person to create a tailored sensory diet which suits their circumstances. A sensory diet involves a schedule for sensory input to balance the amount of sensory input being received. We can also provide other strategies for balancing out sensory input like sensory circuits. The individual may also be taught coping strategies for when sensory input is overwhelming or underwhelming. The HSR Psychology specialist will also teach parents/carers and other relevant people about the individual’s sensory needs and why sensory interventions are needed.
After a sensory intervention the young person will be able to understand when sensory input is over or under whelming and will be able to utilize several scheduled activities to balance out this sensory input. Following a sensory intervention it may be suggested that we carry out follow up sessions to review progress. Recommendations and strategies from a sensory intervention can be provided during a feedback session after intervention has concluded. This feedback can also be given to you in the form of a written report if needed. Support throughout the whole process is provided to you by the HSR Psychology team which is why we deliver follow up support if needed.
We always recommend a report following an intervention, which will include what took place, the impact of our involvement and recommendations for the future. A comprehensive report is available following a sensory intervention detailing a tailored sensory diet and effective coping strategies. A report from a sensory intervention can be used for many reasons, such as: personal use, medical use, school use, support with an application, funding and support, or evidence for a different reason. Reasons for a sensory intervention may differ, and if a written report is not required then feedback can be provided verbally along with a brief summary. Find out more about our reports.
Arrange an initial discussion to find out how we can benefit your education setting. The initial discussion lasts 2 hours and is a starting point to identify needs. The cost is £260.
Ready to get started? The next step is to speak to our team to find out more about the services we provide and how we can help. Call us on 0161 820 9229 or email office@hsrpsychology.co.uk