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Sensory profiling

Sensory profiling increases understanding of a child or young person’s sensory needs, and leads to appropriate support strategies.

Who is suitable for sensory profiling?

Sensory profiling can be used for a broad range of children and young people with a range of needs. There is a broad range of characteristics and behaviours which could indicate the need for sensory profiling, including:

If you recognise the above characteristics and would like to find out more about sensory profiling then please contact us.

Sensory profiling services

Children enjoying a sensory light experience

Sensory processing difficulties services

We help children and young people with sensory processing difficulties.

  • Assessments
  • Reports
  • Interventions

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Autistic spectrum condition services

We help children and young people with autistic spectrum conditions (ASC).

  • Assessments
  • Reports
  • Interventions

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What are the benefits of sensory profiling?

There are many benefits of sensory profiling, as it increases the understanding of sensory needs, allowing support strategies to be put into place. The benefits from this include:

Sensory profiling can lead to specific recommendations in relation to an individual’s sensory needs.

What happens prior to sensory profiling?

Sensory profiling can be carried out following an initial discussion, please see our process below.

Our process

At HSR Psychology we ensure that we meet the needs of children and young people. To achieve this we ensure that any specific assessments, intervention, or direct work, is only carried out following an initial discussion.

An initial discussion allows us to understand the background and your expectations of our involvement. Having an initial discussion ensures any services we provide appropriately identify or address needs.

Our process for any specific assessments, intervention, or direct work is as follows:

Step 1: Contact us

We will usually be contacted by the child or young person, parent or carer, or another professional (eg education or health).

You can contact us or complete a referral

Step 2: Arrange an initial discussion

An initial discussion allows us to understand the background and your expectations of our involvement. Arrange an initial discussion

Step 3: Review our recommendations

Following an initial discussion we will send you an email that includes:

  • Next steps recommendations - to provide a bespoke package of support. For example:
    • Assessments
    • Reports
    • Information gathering
    • Meeting
    • Interventions
    • Consultancy
    • Reviews
  • Costing - we will provide costings for any services recommended.

Step 4: Let's get started

On receipt of the next steps recommendations and costing you can decide how to proceed. Once you have decided contact us to arrange the chosen services.

What happens during sensory profiling?

Sensory profiling primarily uses information provided by individuals who know the child or young person best. This information can be provided through questionnaires or a conversation as well as through observations.

Which sensory profiling assessments do we use?

The specific profiling assessment(s) used will be chosen based on the child or young person. The assessments we often use are:

  • Sensory profile 2 - Measures; auditory, visual, touch, movement, body position, oral senses in addition to behaviour and sensory pattern scores
  • Adolescent / Adult sensory profiling - This can be used from age 11 and includes information to help to identify patterns of sensory behaviour to help individuals and increase understanding

The assessments used will be discussed before the assessment takes place during the initial discussion.

What happens after sensory profiling?

Any identified needs from the sensory profiling will be supported through increased knowledge of how to provide for those needs. A ‘sensory diet’ may be created which provides appropriate sensory input for a child or young person to help them to stay calm and focused throughout the day.

Does sensory profiling come with a report?

Reports are optional, and if you choose to have a report then it could include a summary of the results, recommendations or be an in depth report to share with other professionals. Read more about the reports we offer.

Arrange an initial discussion.....

Arrange an initial discussion to find out how we can benefit your education setting. The initial discussion lasts 2 hours and is a starting point to identify needs. The cost is £260.

  • No waiting lists
  • Experienced psychologists
  • Includes recommendation summary

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Flexible, consistent, and competitively priced

We provide bespoke solutions to suit all budgets and requirements for children and young people aged 0-25 in homes, education settings and the community. Our clinical, educational and child psychology services are cost effective.

See our prices

Make a referral

To make a referral and arrange an initial discussion please complete our referral form.

Make a referral

Next steps...

Ready to get started? The next step is to speak to our team to find out more about the services we provide and how we can help. Call us on 0161 820 9229 or email

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