In cases when an individual will be moving to a new education setting then the review must happen before this and with enough time to confirm the EHC plan. Children and young people develop each year and it is important that their EHC plan, which potentially stays with them until the age of 25, is up to date. The EHC plan review also allows for reflections about an individual’s outcomes, which influences the outcomes for the next twelve months.
One of our psychologists carrying out a cognitive assessment as part of an education, health and care plan review
An EHC plan review is a statutory requirement and so it is the responsibility of the local authority. Local authorities can request that education settings hold the EHC plan review meeting on their behalf.
In most cases, reviews should normally be held at the educational institution attended by the child or young person. Reviews are generally most effective when led by the educational institution. They know the child or young person best, will have the closest contact with them and their family and will have the clearest information about progress and next steps. Reviews led by the educational institution will engender the greatest confidence amongst the child, young person and their family. There may be exceptional circumstances where it will be appropriate for the review meeting to be held by the local authority in a different location, for example where a young person attends programmes of study at more than one institution.
Our role within EHC plan reviews revolves around assessments and consultations in relation to an individual. It may be that a parent, carer, education or health professional has recommendations for adaptations to an existing plan, or that certain provision is no longer required due to a change in needs.
Our specialist assessments cover all areas of special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), and are bespoke according to an individual’s needs. An assessment will be appropriate when an individual’s needs have changed significantly since the start of the EHC plan. Read more about our specific assessments.
Our consultations can help to make decisions about any adaptations or maintaining current provision and support prior to an EHC plan review taking place. Learn more about our school
Who we work with
EHC plans should be used to actively monitor children and young people’s progress towards their outcomes and longer term aspirations. They must be reviewed by the local authority as a minimum every 12 months. Reviews must focus on the child or young person’s progress towards achieving the outcomes specified in the EHC plan. The review must also consider whether these outcomes and supporting targets remain appropriate.
There are many benefits of using our input for an EHC plan review, including:
If you would like to find out more about how we can support EHC plan reviews please contact us to arrange an initial discussion.
Referral to our services for an EHC plan review is swift and simple and can be done online, over the phone or via email.
An EHC plan review involves a close examination of the progress made by the child or young person, and the relevance of the SEND provision or support currently in place. It may be that needs have changed, which would mean that the existing EHC plan is not fully meeting their needs anymore. Some children and young people may not continue to have an EHC plan following the review if it is found that the progress they have made is sufficient for them not to require another plan. This is more likely for temporary conditions, not lifelong developmental conditions. There may be times when an initial EHC plan focuses on one area of need more than others, and in this case it may be appropriate to reduce the support for that area and increase support in another area. The child or young person would be involved with the EHC plan review process alongside parents, carers, education and health professionals.
Reviews should also:
Following our input, the local authority will look at the reports and advice provided and come to a decision about any changes to an existing EHC plan. Young people, parents and carers should be notified of the outcome within four weeks of the review. If the decision has been made not to modify, or to cease, the EHC plan then young people, parents and carers have a right to appeal following mediation. We provide a broad range of follow up support including interventions, training and consultations.
EHC plan reviews take place annually for all children and young people with an EHC plan. The purpose of the review is to ensure that the EHC plan continues to meet an individual’s needs and that the provision and support in place is appropriate.
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