Workload and pressures increase during post-16 education so it is important to be vigilant to changes within students. Our psychologists can use screening tools to recognise students’ needs in order to provide them with appropriate support as soon as possible.
Through providing immediate access to our team we are minimising the long term effects of special educational needs and disabilities on a young person. We help young people to be confident and ready to transition to their next stage of life.
The SEND code of practice (2015) has a focus on sixth-forms and colleges being ambitious for students with SEND and preparing all students for adult life. The code recognises that SEND may emerge after a student has started at sixth-form or college, and in this case needs should be identified so timely interventions can be put in place.
Colleges should ensure they have access to external specialist services and expertise...They can be involved at any point for help or advice on the best way to support a student with SEN or a disability. Specialist help should be involved where the student’s needs are not being met by the strong, evidence-based support provided by the college. Where, despite the college having taken relevant and purposeful action to identify, assess and meet the needs of the student, the student is still not making the expected progress, the college or young person should consider requesting an EHC needs assessment.
Sixth-forms and colleges have access to all of our services, which can be provided on an individual, group and whole college level. We have put together a specific range of post-16 setting services based on common needs present within sixth-forms and colleges. There are more students with statements of need and Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans in post-16 education, and we can assist in the provision of tailored educational pathways.
Our clinical, counselling and educational psychologists can assess and provide interventions for students who have social, emotional and mental health difficulties. Sixth-form and college may be a stressful time for students as they can face pressure to succeed. Our specialist psychologists can work with students on an individual or group level to teach effective calming techniques and reduce barriers to learning.
Supporting the creation of long-lasting and sustainable changes is an important investment in students’ futures. Taking a holistic approach enables us to focus on mental health and wellbeing in addition to academic difficulties to ease some of the stress and pressure felt by students and staff. We are able to identify needs in post-16 settings to design an action plan which leads to positive change.
A college tutor using her knowledge from a psychology training event to support a student
Our assessments can be used as evidence supporting exam access arrangements. Students may be borderline with unknown needs who could benefit from a cognitive assessment and literacy assessment to highlight their needs. Find out more about our transition services which would lead to recommendations.
We provide Disabled Student’s Allowance (DSA) needs assessments to support applications. Students who would qualify for the DSA could have their needs assessment with us, safe in the knowledge that they will be in professional hands. Read more about our CPD and events are a great way to attend cost effective training whilst networking, sharing good practice and learning strategies to use in each role.
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We usually work with young people who have difficulties with their: cognition and learning; speech, language and communication; social, emotional and mental health; and physical and sensory needs.
Providing therapeutic input means that our specialists can work with “at risk” students who would benefit from a psychologist’s input before a problem or difficulty intensifies. Therapeutic input is extremely useful in situations of high stress, difficult personal situations and long running difficulties.
There are many benefits of using our clinical, counselling and educational psychologists in a setting as we:
As clinical, counselling and educational psychologists we are specialists in issues related to learning, development and social, emotional and mental health. There are many ways our service can support you through our post-16 setting services, please contact us to find out how we can help your students and colleagues and book a free initial discussion.
Arrange a free initial discussion to find out how we can benefit your post-16 setting...
Ready to get started? The next step is to speak to our team to find out more about the services we provide and how we can help. Call us on 0161 820 9229 or email