Clinical, counselling and educational psychologists have previously not had much opportunity to work within university settings, as they used to only work with children and young people aged 5-19. Now that the SEND code of practice (2015) has extended the age range to 25 our team are excited to work in a relatively new setting for us.
We accept self-referrals from university students. Studying at university level is a very different experience to sixth form and college level, and you may find yourself needing more support. The increased demands may lead you to find new challenges which had not been an issue previously. Read about our services and see if you would benefit from a specific assessment, intervention or consultation.
You can refer to our psychology services by completing a referral form online. If you are concerned about anything or would like to find out more, then please contact us to talk to a member of our team, or to arrange a consultation.
Our psychology services support university students to be happy, safe and ready for life’s challenges
Universities can commission our services on an individual, group or systemic level. The number of students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) attending university has increased over the past decade, however guidelines for universities to accommodate students with SEND has not expanded much past the
Arrange a free initial discussion to find out how we can benefit your post-16 setting...Free initial discussion for your post-16 setting
We work with Student Unions following incidents, or in preparation of possible incidents which could happen. Being prepared and having a firm procedure in place minimises negative outcomes. We are available as specialist support in addition to current support received from charities.
To commission our services within a university setting then please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Clinical, counselling and educational psychologists working within a university setting is a new and exciting opportunity to support more students with their learning needs. Working with the university as a commissioned service opens up new possibilities within your setting. If you would like to work with us or have a consultation then please contact us to discuss your needs. If you are interested in commissioning our services on behalf of a university then please book your free initial discussion.
Ready to get started? The next step is to speak to our team to find out more about the services we provide and how we can help. Call us on 0161 820 9229 or email
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