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You are in: SLCN

Read our blogs about speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) to learn more about the conditions we help, written by our HSR Psychology team.

By Laura Humphreys

What is Selective Mutism?

What is Selective Mutism? Generally speaking, people can characterise Selective Mutism (SM) as a disorder of 'lack of speech'. SM is quite rare, meaning it is difficult to notice if someone has the disorder.  SM is mostly common in children. Usually, a child […]

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By Lauren O'Loughlin

How a psychological assessment can help you to better understand your child’s needs

Psychological assessments can be beneficial for many aspects of your child’s life – for example, they can bring about improvements […]

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By Sarah Ward

ASC awareness

ASC Autistic spectrum conditions (ASC) are developmental conditions which affects individuals in very different ways. We need to break the […]

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