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You are in: Post-16

Our post-16 blogs are suitable for young people aged 16 or over, as well as parents, carers and adults supporting post-16 year olds, written by our HSR team.

By Jan Bogucki

Resilience, stress, and student life

What is resilience? To put it simply, resilience is the ability to face drawbacks and still be able to bounce back. Think about the device that many books and movies use – the protagonist initially sets out on their journey and meets […]

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By Jan Bogucki

Self-harm: what it is and what to do

What is self-harm? Self-harm includes a wide range of different behaviours, which are all oriented on inflicting physical pain to […]

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By Maisie Willmoth-Allsop

Obsessive compulsive disorder

OCD means obsessive compulsive disorder. First of all, OCD is not being tidy, or having good hygiene. People with OCD […]

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By Maisie Willmoth-Allsop

Therapy rooms: what to buy and why

An introduction to therapy rooms The idea behind creating a therapy room, instead of your traditional clinical room, is that […]

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By Maisie Willmoth-Allsop

Promoting spelling

This blog is a summary of everything I learnt, or thought was important from the promoting spelling part of our […]

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By Maisie Willmoth-Allsop

Promoting memory

Our CPD event on promoting memory was very interesting for me, here’s a summary for those of you who couldn’t […]

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By Sarah Ward

Supporting the wellbeing of LGBT & questioning children and young people

All children and young people have the right to support for their emotional wellbeing. Lesbian, gay, bi, trans and questioning […]

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By Sarah Ward

Teaching for neurodiversity

What is neurodiversity? Neurodiversity is a concept which recognises and respects neurological differences in the same way you would for […]

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