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School assessments

School assessments are an efficient and cost-effective way to provide information which will benefit the whole school, targeted groups or individuals.

School assessments include statutory assessments and statutory work to help you to fulfil legal requirements. The aim of school assessments is to have a significant impact from a single point of action.

What types of school assessments do we provide?

Our school assessments include:

What are the benefits of school assessments?

Using school assessments brings many benefits, including:

Our school assessments provide you with independent and transparent information which when used effectively can bring about long-lasting change within your school. School assessments may bring up an unidentified issue which when addressed can increase attainment on a whole school level.

Free initial discussion

We provide free initial discussions to education settings as part of our cost effective service. Specific services may be discussed in order to provide an accurate for our specialist psychological input.

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What happens after a school assessment?

Outcomes vary depending on the specific school assessment taking place. We support you and your colleagues during and after school assessments. After a school assessment we will provide feedback verbally or in the form of a written report based on your requirements. Together we will help to decide on the next steps to take following school assessments.

School assessments provide information with the aim of having a positive impact on the whole school, targeted groups or individuals. All academic settings can use our school assessments and enjoy the many benefits.

Price promise

We are happy to discuss how we can match or better any existing provision you may be currently receiving and provide an initial discussion at no cost to education settings we have not worked with before.

Contact us

Free initial discussion for your education setting

Arrange a free initial discussion to find out how we can benefit your education setting...

  • Free
  • Immediate access
  • No obligation

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Next steps...

Ready to get started? The next step is to speak to our team to find out more about the services we provide and how we can help. Call us on 0161 820 9229 or email office@hsrpsychology.co.uk

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